
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

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Small Hear Us Conference announcement featuring three smiling people

March 29, 2023 - March 30, 2023

Hear Us 2023

Officially, Hear Us is an annual advocacy event hosted by PreventEd for current St. Louis region high school students. Students participating in Hear Us will train and prepare for legislative visits with their State Senator and Representative that is specific to their zip code. Along with the legislative appointments, students will attend a conference on leadership, drug awareness, and prevention.

Unofficially, Hear Us is a chance to connect with other students across the region and to affect real legislative change relating to drugs and drug use in your community. Your concerns about vaping, cannabis, opioids, or other drug related law will be heard by your legislators.

Why should you participate in Hear Us?

Your voice can bring about real change! The 2021 Hear Us students helped finish the 10+ yearlong effort of passing a PDMP for Missouri. Work with other amazing students inside and outside of your school district. Hear Us students are some of the BEST people PreventEd gets to work with! Plus, Hear Us looks AMAZING on job and college applications!

Register for Hear Us today!

Hear Us 2023 Student Registration

Hear Us 2023 Chaperone Registration

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