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SpeakerSeries_November-02-02 Recovery Friendly workplaces square

November 9, 2022

PreventEd Speaker Series: Recovery Friendly Workplaces Initiative


11:30 am - 1:00 pm


9355 Olive Blvd, Olivette, MO

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This training will be hosted in a hybrid format with both in-person and Zoom options to attend. While the training is free to attend, we are asking all attendees to please register below.

The University of Missouri Extension received a grant to fund the Recovery Friendly Workplaces (RFWs) Initiative. This presentation by Dr. John Gaal and Doug Swanson will detail the efforts behind the grant to develop a Recovery Friendly Workplace credential through training, technical assistance, and support that assists businesses in fostering a workplace culture that promotes employee safety, health, and well-being. The RFW initiative offers strategies that provide support for managers and employees, including reducing stigma and providing recovery resources related to the challenges surrounding substance use disorders.

Recovery Friendly Workplaces decrease costs due to impaired productivity and absenteeism, and improve safety, productivity, and profitability in the workplace. RFWs impact the bottom line through resources that foster a supportive work environment that encourages the success of all employees. RFWs promote individual wellness by empowering workplaces to provide support for employees recovering from substance use disorder.

Attendees are welcome to join this meeting at 11:30 for lunch and networking. The presentation will begin at 12pm. Please contact Stacie Zellin with questions.

The Speaker Series is free to attend but registration is required:

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