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You and Me, Together Vape-free advertisement featuring a boy being offered a vape by another and refusing.

February 15, 2023

You and Me, Together Vape-Free


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Calling all educators, coalition members, and anyone who works with youth! PreventEd is presenting Stanford University’s updated “You & Me, Together Vape-Free” curriculum, part of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit. In this 90-minute interactive and focused training, we will take a deeper dive into the toolkit, curriculum lessons, review content, and discuss how to best use it with youth. This training will be led by Carly LN Kajiwara, Social Science Research Professional 1, Pediatrics – Adolescent Medicine at Stanford University, and will provide great resources for working with the curriculum!

Certificates will be available upon request.

This training is free to attend, but registration is required:


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