
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

Grade 3

We remember what it was like to be a kid.

Our programs equip young people with the knowledge to change their attitudes and behaviors towards substances.

School-Based Prevention Programs

Our programs meet young people where they are and understand all the challenges they face.

Elementary School

Grades K—5

In K-5, we rarely talk about alcohol and drugs. Instead, we build life skills, like how to be a good friend, manage uncomfortable feelings, and solve problems peacefully. Our lessons are fun, engaging, and age appropriate.

View K-5 Programs

Middle School

Grades 6—8

Middle school is a battlefield. Our lessons recognize the landmines that middle schoolers encounter each day and teach them how to navigate things like peer influence, setting/achieving goals, alcohol, and drugs in a healthy way.

View 6-8 Programs

High School

Grades 9—12

High school health teachers call on us to deliver scientific, fact-based drug information for their classes. We don’t preach, judge, or exaggerate; instead we equip teenagers with the knowledge so that they can make informed choices.

View 9-12 Programs

Youth Leadership Programs

We believe in the power of young people.

View Leadership Programs

Help prevent substance misuse among your peers.

Learn up-to-date information about the consequences of alcohol and other drug use and misuse, understand prevention, learn leadership strategies, and see how you can start or improve prevention in your school.

Teen Institute

Stand up against substance misuse in your community.

Amplify our impact. Donate today.

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