
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

Grades 9-12

Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA)

tMHFA teaches high school students how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders among their friends and peers. The training gives students the skills to have supportive conversations with their friends and get a responsible and trusted adult to take over as necessary. It is designed to be delivered in schools or community sites in three interactive classroom sessions of 90 minutes each or six sessions of 45 minutes each.

Schools and organizations offering the training are required to train at least 10 percent of adult staff in Youth Mental Health First Aid and to train the entire grade level. A critical step in the teen Mental Health First Aid action plan is connecting with a trusted adult. Youth Mental Health First Aid trains adults to be prepared to help young people facing a crisis.

PreventEd’s prevention programs benefit schools because they…

Demonstrate significant change in students’ behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge.  In addition, PreventEd program goals are 100% compatible with the four goals of Missouri’s Performance Standards which state that Missouri students will acquire:

  1. Knowledge and skills to gather, analyze, and apply information/ideas.
  2. Knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
  3. Knowledge and skills to recognize and solve problems.
  4. Knowledge and skills to make decisions and act as responsible members of society.
View other high school programs

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