
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

PreventEd Partners: Living With Purpose

Their Mission: Living with Purpose is a nonprofit agency that was created in 2012 with the mission of offering community housing and community integration to adults with developmental disabilities in nurturing, positive, and stable home-like environments.

Our Partnership: Our partnership began in 2021 when we had the opportunity to support Living with Purpose in their application for a FLOURISH community grant, which provides funding to organizations whose programs help support St. Louis moms, babies, and families. With the guiding principle of “Every Life Has a Purpose”, Living with Purpose is dedicated to improving the health and overall well-being of Baden and surrounding communities.

One way they do this is by making mental health and addiction services much more accessible to their community. Every Wednesday, LWP sets up a tent outside of their Baden office, grilling food, playing music, meeting community members, and offering resources to those who need them. Services include free, same-day access to mental health and substance use treatment services. In partnership with LWP and ARCA (Assisted Recovery Centers of America), PreventEd’s mobile office is being used to deliver these services to the Baden community. Other resources offered include, but are not limited to, Narcan (Naloxone) provided by Prevent+Ed, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.


Click here to learn more about LWP.

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