
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

prevention works

Prevention Works! Middle School

PreventEd’s school-based prevention programs are designed to demonstrate change in behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge in students. Middle school is full of new experiences for kids as they enter their pre-teens: they are approaching puberty, have increasing responsibilities, and face exposure to dangerous behaviors like drugs and alcohol.

They can also hear many myths about the world, drugs, alcohol, and other topics circulating in the halls at school.

Our lessons recognize the landmines that middle schoolers encounter each day and teach them how to navigate things like peer influence, alcohol, and drugs in a healthy way. They also learn valuable life skills like setting and achieving goals.

Let’s take a look at the middle school programs PreventEd has to offer:

Grade 6

Refuse to Lose is a curricula that teaches students about specific drugs like alcohol, prescription drugs, and marijuana, as well as developing skills in decision making and strategies to manage peer pressure.

Taking Charge of Me II is a curricula that focuses more on promoting life skills like self-control, understanding what healthy choices are, how to make them, and goal setting.

These programs also promote inclusion and teach important leadership skills.

Grade 7

ACTS (Aware Control Talk Solve) of Anger, focuses on new emotions middle school students might be feeling, primarily anger. While it is normal to feel emotions like anger, it’s important to have the skills to manage those feelings in a healthy way and stay in control.

These are very important skills to have, as out of control emotions can lead to trouble in school and at home.

Refuse to Lose, and Taking Charge of Me III build on past lessons students received as 6th graders. These programs once again touch on subjects like drugs and alcohol, and life skills like perseverance and self-confidence.

Grade 8

In the eighth grade, kids are preparing to enter high school. They are finding themselves, their identities, and beginning to think about the future. In the program TBD, “To Be Determined” students come together to have conversations around what they want their future to look like as well as learn how to shape a positive reputation and sense of self.

Schedule Your School’s Prevention Programs With PreventEd

At PreventEd, we “get” kids. Change begins in our schools and we believe in the power of our young people. Our Prevention Educators are always more than happy to discuss what prevention programs would be a good fit in your schools. Our programs are 100% compatible with the four goals of Missouri’s Performance Standards.

Contact Us For More Information On PreventEd’s Prevention Programs


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