
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

Professional Development

Unlock your potential

Our professional development series ensure mental health and substance use professionals are equipped to make a difference.

Hue Me

for: All Adults

Hue Me is a personality invoice to help teams understand and recognize different roles and personality traits within a group, to ultimately create a balanced, well-functioning team.

General Substance Use Education

for: All Adults

Trainings and presentations are available to organizations and groups seeking to learn more about substance use and substance use disorders.

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)

for: Educators & professionals

YMHFA is designed to teach how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge or is in crisis.

Signs of Suicide

for: All Adults

SOS is a two hour training that provides tools to help school personnel and youth service providers identify the signs and symptoms of depression, suicide, and self-injury.


for: Educators & professionals

SAPST is a 37 hour course (32 live, 5 online) providing a broad orientation to the field of substance use prevention.


for: Educators & professionals

Ethics trainings are available for mental health and substance use professionals who are seeking to fulfill credentialing requirements.

PreventEd Speaker Series

for: All Adults

PreventEd Speaker Series is a monthly event that provides a forum for networking, learning, and advocacy regarding the use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs.

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