
Leading the conversation on alcohol & other drugs

Ramping Up Services in Franklin County

We are proud to announce that PreventEd has received a 5-year SAMHSA grant to provide Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction! This program will utilize Certified Peer Specialists and partnerships with local treatment agencies to substantially increase accessibility to vital treatment services in Franklin County.

Missouri consistently ranks among the highest states in the country in overdose deaths, and is not seeing the same decline that other states have noted in the last couple of years. Data from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services ranks Franklin County as number 3 of the 114 Missouri counties in terms of deaths by opioid overdose. Most recent data shows that Franklin County has 43 opioid overdose deaths per 100,000, which is 98% higher than the Missouri average of 21.7 deaths per 100,000.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has recognized Franklin County as a rural community that has been particularly hard hit by the opioid epidemic.

Franklin County lacks treatment options and treatment infrastructure to address substance use disorders (SUD). This includes lack of medication providers and access to medication for people living with substance use disorders.

Certified Peer Specialists are people who have been successful in the recovery process and are certified by the state of Missouri to help others experiencing similar situations. Through shared understanding, respect, and mutual empowerment, Certified Peer Specialists help people become and stay engaged in the recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Peer support services have a proven track record of effectively extending the reach of treatment beyond the clinical setting into the everyday environment of those seeking a successful, sustained recovery process.

This project will serve adults over the age of 18 who are at risk for, have been diagnosed with, and/or are in treatment and/or recovery for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD).

PreventEd’s Certified Peer Specialists will connect clients with Medication-Assisted Treatment providers like ARCA, Preferred Family Health, and Freedom Center. Pairing Peer Support services with MAT and connection to additional services as needed will bring a formidable, effective, and needed combination of wraparound care to Franklin County.

We look forward to further developing relationships with providers and community members in Franklin County!

For more information on these services, please visit PreventEd.org/CPS-MAT 

SUD recovery

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